Developing a Pandemic Strategy for Casinos

Pandemic Strategy

Covid-19 has become the biggest game-changer of the decade. This has made dramatic shifts in the cardrooms and casinos of the year. If you guys are hoping that one fine day, the government officials would announce, “Open up the casinos and night clubs,” you are gravely mistaken. A near-normal state of affairs is a long way off. Get these facts into your nerves, and what do we do about these things? It’s time we think out of the mould and delve more into the course of tackling infectious diseases. To be on the winning edge of probability is the mainstay of our game. The same does apply to the reopening of the casinos malaysia online betting. It must be convincing enough to the officials that the 1bet2u online Casino‘ participants should be ensured safety and the facility heavily sanitised to the highest order. Here, people need to be engaged in games under a strict mandate without playing the contagions’ risk.

Device the master plan

The most significant consideration of the business would be on containing the people in the facility. A risk-based approach has to be advocated in this regard. Odds on the geographic location, customer demographics, and physical conditions of the facility should be considered. By determining the level of risk of infections, management would be better suited. When you focus on these principal areas, you would be better target-driven in running your casinos.

– Prevent viral transmission or to the least, reduce the chance of infection to the customers

– Make sure that the incoming customers are virus-free by adequate screening, thereby halting transmission.

– Proper documentation and policy-making on reopening casinos adhering to strict safety measures.

Considering some innovative moves would be befitting in this regard:

Employee testing and documentation: Before any employee is permitted to continue working with your casino establishment, they will have to get certified medically that they are infection-free. This needs to be a mandate for all the employees. The havoc a carrier employee could create is unthinkable. Taking this protocol to its severe consideration is one step close to absolute protection.

Customer screening:

Due to employees turning positive in casinos of Macau, the casinos were closed for 15 days. On reopening, stricter measures were imposed. This has led to serious consideration in the gaming sector. Al casinos need to monitor temperature before admission through the doors. If the temperature scan exceeds 37degree Celsius, they shouldn’t be allowed in. This simple measure may not eliminate the threat but certainly, reduce it.

A mask a day can save your day:

Customers permitted in are required to wear a surgical type mask. Not all masks serve the purpose; therefore, surgical ones are advisable. If any customer seems to refuse to wear a mask, he shouldn’t be let in. With stricter measures come a safer environment. If disposable masks are used, they shouldn’t be reused another day. These are things only the customer could make sure of. Therefore, proper awareness needs to be given as well. The option of

wearing gloves can also be suggested, but not imposed though. This would ensure better safety.

Touch me not:

Simple instructions may reward us to high limits. Provide posters on the casino walls titling ‘touch me not’ campaigns- making sure that each person does not touch their eyes, ears, or nose, especially when inside the facility. Inside the facility, there are ample chances of getting around with people. This would amplify the risk. A simple measure of resolving not to touch your vulnerable areas like eyes, nose, or ears would ensure excellent protection.

Social distancing:


Social distancing:

Weekends are always booming days for a fitful business, and every business person would want more customers to their casinos. Not anymore. Since Covid-19 has wrecked places and cities, the casinos cannot afford their closing, on a customer turning positive. To avoid such a menace, casinos should ensure social distancing, which is the greatest weapon in our fight against the ghastly virus. Limiting the number of customers to their cardrooms are essential in this regard.

Keep me clean:

A sanitiser at the door will keep the virus at bay. A wash of the fingers,

a purge of the arms, that’s all it takes for a healthier customer lot.


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